Recently in Taiwan, there is startling news a #Schizophrenia patient was prosecute a homicide and the judge acquitted him of all charges because of his #mentalillness. (UDN, 2020) In Japan, a criminal escaped from his death penalty due to Schizophrenia as well. (Asahi Shimbun ,2020) That makes citizens scared.
Schizophrenia is a mental illness with symptoms like delirium, hallucination and delusion. Their uncontrollable and weird behavior might make people feel threatened. However, is it true that all Schizophrenia patients are criminal and dangerous?
Israel scientists indicate Schizophrenia patients committed homicides are mostly alcoholic, having criminal record or new immigrants who are struggled to fit in a new society compared to other Schizophrenia patients. (Valevski et al., 1999) Is it familiar to you? Just delete the term “Schizophrenia”, and it could be “PEOPLE committed homicides are mostly alcoholic, having criminal record or new immigrants who are struggled to fit in a new society compared to other PEOPLE.” Turkish scientists also point out 85% of Schizophrenia criminals had not taken their medicine regularly and been severely paranoid. Additionally, most of them were from bottom of the society and having critical family or career issues. (Belli et al., 2010) There would be no difference if we change Schizophrenia into normal people in these terms.
In Australia, some scientists and psychiatrists discovered the area with more homicides also have more criminals with Schizophrenia. (Large, Smith, & Nielssen, 2009) This evidence reveals the environment and society might be a major reason of crime as well, instead of just personal. Taking German medical history as an example, the risk of homicide from Schizophrenia could dramatically decrease by establishing specialized long‐term care to persons with schizophrenia and the better mental health services for acutely psychotic person. (Erb et al, 2006)
Schizophrenia is just an illness, similar to dementia and cancer, which needs to be treated carefully. It is not a crime. It is also not an excuse for lawyer or propaganda of politics. It is definitely not “there is nothing we can do.” Schizophrenia requires our attention and some changes in the current social system. More love and care could make our world safer and better!
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